That’s a Wrap
John and Jane join Otto Schade at his open studio for a catch up on his plans, present and future.
Antony Gormley 'Body Space Time'
We attend Antony Gormley’s ‘Body Space Time’ show in San Gimignano, Tuscany.
In Praise of Shite (and coping with mental illness)
Paul Coombs discusses his relationship with art through the lens of his struggles with mental health.
It Sometimes Makes Your Eyes Go Funny
Bridget Riley and the excellent ‘Painting the Line’ BBC documentary on her life and work.
The Hypebeast (why I’m not buying it.. but probably will)
Jane offers some insights into reading the investment market.
These aren’t the bots we were looking for..
Bots are ruining the process of online sales. What, if anything, are vendors doing about it?
Speed awareness
We put a name to the various neon faces we’ve been enjoying around Shoreditch.
Keep CALM and buy art
Jealous London team up with CALM for a set of editions in aid of a worthy cause.
Meanwhile on the other side of town..
John has a chance encounter with one of his favourite’s, Fin Dac.